Sunday, February 20, 2011

Who is Felicia?

Hello and welcome to my page. I have never attempted to keep a blog so I'm sorry if this is awkward. I'll work out the kinks the more I become familiar with what I'm doing. I pretty much wanted to start off by introducing myself and give you all an idea on what to expect from  my ramblings. I am Felicia, a mother to 2 beautiful children and a wife to my amazing husband. I live in a small town which is also my hometown. My days are spent talking to babies all day. Yes you heard that right, I babysit my nephew take care of my daughter and work full time at a family owned business. I recently set out on this journey that I'm on to discover new things about myself, the journey is that I recently became involved in Independant Sales. I sell a product called Scentsy. If you haven't heard about it, my oh my it is truly amazing. Flameless, wickless candles which are basically amazing cubes of wax that are heated by a low watt bulb on top of a decorative warmer. Such a good product, and if you have more questions about that please contact me, info is on my website at
I also have been questioning whether or not I want to start up a spring project with my aunt. She brought to my attention that she wants to make lotion and I found it quite intriguing actually so I'm going to give it a shot. I've looked up recipes and found quite a few things that I think would be great to make. And this year I am actually going to be working on a project to start doing freelance hair and makeup for special occasions. Whether it be prom, weddings, family photos, or a night out. I'm working on setting up some youtube video of some different things such as makeup and hair how to's as well as Scentsy products to show you all what it is exactly and how it works. And I also wanted to try to use my blogging and youtube as a source to do reviews on certain brands or products that I will be using for the hair and makeup as well as the lotion making. I know that this whole project is going to take some time. In between all of my plans for blogging, promoting, videos, and freelancing, I have my family and my kids who I am extremely involved with. I usually manage to have a great balance of  family, work and play but in advance, if I slow down at some point I apologize. I hope this was enough to keep you all intrigued. It's a long shot but I'm hoping to make this work.

Hugs and Love